The Mind of Christa Bell
here's everything i've read so far this year. please note the absolute randomness:
the secret book of black girl magic, by christa bell
peace & blessings for dummies, by christa bell
enlighten your coochie!, by christa bell
proverbs (from the bible)
all the websites and blogs re. beyonce
liner notes to all the ROOTS albums (?love is hilarious)
lyrics to "spirit rap" by astarius reiki
seeing the unspeakable: the art of kara walker, by gwendoloyn dubois shaw
a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, by dave eggers (better late than never)
the bone people, by keri hulme (again)
pathologies of power, by paul farmer (sike. i bought it and read like, three chapters, because i saw that roger was reading it.)
woman, an intimate geography, by natalie angier (ibid-but this one i'll finish at some point)
godel, escher, bach: an eternal golden braid, a metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the spirit of lewis carroll, by douglas r. hofstadter (DOUBLE SIKE! note to self: ignore all book recommendations from jeremy richards. this is his "light"reading.)
at least 20 entries from the women's encyclopedia of myths and secrets, by barbara g. walker
lots of entries from witches: an encyclopedia of paganism and magic, by michael jordan
song of solomon, by toni morrison (again)
fat girl (a memoir), can't remember authors name
kindred, by octavia butler
fledgling, by octavia butler
parable of the sower (again), by octavia butler
writing down the bones (natalie goldberg)
wicked (but only the first few chapters)
the selected poems of james tate (poems)
my mother's body(again), by marge piercy (poems)
the moon is always female, by mary oliver (poems)
the subtle art of breathing by asha bandele(poems)
said the shotgun to the head, saul williams (long-ass poem)
the abundance book, by john randolph price (40 day prosperity plan included)
writing with intent, essays, reviews etc. by margaret atwood
a clockwork orange, by anthony burgess (first time. horrorshow!)
the prodigal summer, by barbara kingsolver
enchanted love:the mystical power of intimate relationships, by marriane williamson
some book of essays about rumi can't remember the name of it
the fifth sacred thing (a novel), by starhawk
wild like that good stuff smellin strong, by tish benson (poems)
the autobiography of benjamin franklin
the alchemist, by paulo coelho
on the art of poetry by aristotle (weeeeelllll...not really...but i have it. stole it from a friend)
not very impressive-eh? maybe there's more...will let you know...cbell
the secret book of black girl magic, by christa bell
peace & blessings for dummies, by christa bell
enlighten your coochie!, by christa bell
proverbs (from the bible)
all the websites and blogs re. beyonce
liner notes to all the ROOTS albums (?love is hilarious)
lyrics to "spirit rap" by astarius reiki
seeing the unspeakable: the art of kara walker, by gwendoloyn dubois shaw
a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, by dave eggers (better late than never)
the bone people, by keri hulme (again)
pathologies of power, by paul farmer (sike. i bought it and read like, three chapters, because i saw that roger was reading it.)
woman, an intimate geography, by natalie angier (ibid-but this one i'll finish at some point)
godel, escher, bach: an eternal golden braid, a metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the spirit of lewis carroll, by douglas r. hofstadter (DOUBLE SIKE! note to self: ignore all book recommendations from jeremy richards. this is his "light"reading.)
at least 20 entries from the women's encyclopedia of myths and secrets, by barbara g. walker
lots of entries from witches: an encyclopedia of paganism and magic, by michael jordan
song of solomon, by toni morrison (again)
fat girl (a memoir), can't remember authors name
kindred, by octavia butler
fledgling, by octavia butler
parable of the sower (again), by octavia butler
writing down the bones (natalie goldberg)
wicked (but only the first few chapters)
the selected poems of james tate (poems)
my mother's body(again), by marge piercy (poems)
the moon is always female, by mary oliver (poems)
the subtle art of breathing by asha bandele(poems)
said the shotgun to the head, saul williams (long-ass poem)
the abundance book, by john randolph price (40 day prosperity plan included)
writing with intent, essays, reviews etc. by margaret atwood
a clockwork orange, by anthony burgess (first time. horrorshow!)
the prodigal summer, by barbara kingsolver
enchanted love:the mystical power of intimate relationships, by marriane williamson
some book of essays about rumi can't remember the name of it
the fifth sacred thing (a novel), by starhawk
wild like that good stuff smellin strong, by tish benson (poems)
the autobiography of benjamin franklin
the alchemist, by paulo coelho
on the art of poetry by aristotle (weeeeelllll...not really...but i have it. stole it from a friend)
not very impressive-eh? maybe there's more...will let you know...cbell
At 1:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi christa:)
i linked you poem to my blog and wrote a little something. i love you to death. please come to atlanta
At 9:33 PM,
Unknown said…
Eva Luna by Isabelle Allende if you like Latin American literature
She was heavily influenced by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
It's absolutely brilliant.
Transexuals and guerrillas and red light districts and living free in the jungle and hidden treasure and corrupt governments and beauty and long hair and dirtunderyourtoenailsfrom walking barefoot in your dreams.
not even overexaggerrating
At 5:26 PM,
liannaa said…
Prodigal Summer is way up there on my all-time favorite books. It's a "comfort read" when I want to be reading something but I'm not up for digesting something new.
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