Christa Bell

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Procrastination For Dummies

this is how you stall a creative project:

1) go to the movies to see the devel wears prada and stay through superman, the break-up and the lake house.

2) decide that writing is dumb and poetry is even dumber and besides, how is a grown-ass woman supposed to make a living doing either? then research debt consolodation programs and, since you just saw superman, crystal technology. then look at mathematics programs at seattle central community college because you've always wanted to be a physicist and all the people you date are so maybe this is a sign that you need to stop sleeping with science nerds and become one. decide that you need to learn html so you can design your own damn website, look for certificate programs and html for dummies type books online. google an ex-sort-of-kind-of-i don't know what we were-boyfriend from 10 years ago who you heard joined some kind of spiritual cult in arkansaw that wears purple all the time and worships jesus (i know. cult and jesus don't normally appear in the same sentence, but you'd have to know my ex.) take a few moments to be bitter about that relationship. wonder about ex's in general, slowly and one at a time.

3) eat chocolate and drink coffee after doing neither for six weeks. this way you can achieve an extreme chemical high and then have a crash so depressing that you sleep 14 hours at a time.

4) call your little sister in california and talk about family members. patiently discuss all the ways in which the two of you are superior to everyone else related to you by blood.

5) blog

and if none of the above works, put on something sparkly and fabulous, run on strappy platform wedges to the subway and meet your girls in the city to see KURTIS BLOW!!

see ya!!


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