Roe V. Wade
...and what it's really all about is the inherent divinity of woman. that, like the gods of the partriarchs, she has the absolute authority to create and destroy within the galaxy of her own body. this reality contradicts the teachings of the male religions that say woman is inferior in all ways to man, who is allegedly created in the direct image of god...yet man has no power over internal creation. none at all. so he has become a controller and a destroyer in the external realm. his laws are an attempt to regulate the divinity of woman. to somehow share in or control her connection to the universal womb...his wars are an assertion of his ability to control death (life)... his sense of powerlessness is deeply pathetic...
what do you think about this?
what do you think about this?
At 1:10 PM,
Human said…
The mountain moving day is coming
I say so yet others doubt it
Only a while the mountain sleeps
In the past all mountains moved in fire
Yet you may not believe it
O man this alone believe
All sleeping women now awake and move
Mountain Moving Day
by Yosano Akiko
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