life after iwps
but wait...there's more!
bout 1:
buddy wakefield
christa bell
da minista
karen finley
and 4 other's who's names i don't remember right now...but the bout was only critique is that everyone except for rives screamed their poems...i performed my ass off...did some new ish for the one minute piece (how to attract hummingbirds and butterflys), and then untitled for the four minute round...
bout 2 didn't get any better:
christa bell
andrea gibson
buddy wakefield...
you see where this is going....
first night i placed 5th in the first round and 6th in the second, second night i placed 5th in the 1st round and 1st in the second, after being talked out of quiting slam altogether by taylor mali when i learned that a poet who didn't even speak english scored higher than me on the first night. go head n laugh...that shit is funny...right? whatever...
iwps was fun for real though...the competition aside...mic mcgee won (after juaquin (and i'll spell his last name phonetically) c-wa-tuh-nae-ho lost due to a two second time know i know that hurts...but check it...mic mcgee was so good, so hilariously funny and smart, that after his first piece i gave him his very own private standing ovation! that was the first time i'd seen him compete live and he's amazing...the final four were: juaquin, andrea gibson, mic mcgee and jared paul...all four of these poets deserved to win...stellar performances all around...i placed 14, which is what i placed last year...
am in baton rouge now for a feature at tequila (the BR poetry slam) and then off to austin much later 2night by bus...yikes...pray for me...more later...cbell
bout 1:
buddy wakefield
christa bell
da minista
karen finley
and 4 other's who's names i don't remember right now...but the bout was only critique is that everyone except for rives screamed their poems...i performed my ass off...did some new ish for the one minute piece (how to attract hummingbirds and butterflys), and then untitled for the four minute round...
bout 2 didn't get any better:
christa bell
andrea gibson
buddy wakefield...
you see where this is going....
first night i placed 5th in the first round and 6th in the second, second night i placed 5th in the 1st round and 1st in the second, after being talked out of quiting slam altogether by taylor mali when i learned that a poet who didn't even speak english scored higher than me on the first night. go head n laugh...that shit is funny...right? whatever...
iwps was fun for real though...the competition aside...mic mcgee won (after juaquin (and i'll spell his last name phonetically) c-wa-tuh-nae-ho lost due to a two second time know i know that hurts...but check it...mic mcgee was so good, so hilariously funny and smart, that after his first piece i gave him his very own private standing ovation! that was the first time i'd seen him compete live and he's amazing...the final four were: juaquin, andrea gibson, mic mcgee and jared paul...all four of these poets deserved to win...stellar performances all around...i placed 14, which is what i placed last year...
am in baton rouge now for a feature at tequila (the BR poetry slam) and then off to austin much later 2night by bus...yikes...pray for me...more later...cbell
At 5:35 AM,
Copasetic Soul said…
you still rocked that shyt sis.. super mad respect to you!
At 2:00 PM,
Mahogany L. Browne said…
be good in austin. take care of my girl Kim. she hosts NEO SOUL and is a phenomenal writer.
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