giant silk moths live for sex

there is a giant silk moth, gorgeous as a butterfly, called a saturniid who's sole purpose in life is to procreate. get this: it does all it's eating as a catepillar and emerges from it's cocoon mute, without a mouth. it has just a few days to live, in most cases one week, so it's a race against the clock to mate before it starves to death. so the saturniid spends it's short life (or maybe seven days is an eternity to a silk moth) negotiating phermones, locating a mate, finding the right host plant and laying hundreds of eggs. can you imagine the urgency, the single minded focus that comes from knowing instinctually that the only thing you really have to do before you check out is have sex? and on top of it all, these moths are mostly blind as well so they find their way to their mates by way of scent. isn't that sexy? no mouth, no eyes, only scent and touch and desire.
don't steal this for your own, i'm serious...more later...cbell
At 10:15 AM,
my coffee is always said…
crazy, sexy, cool... now, how do you find these things? stay off the bubbly....
At 11:34 AM,
Shelle said…
that is insane, tragic, but sexy all in one.
christa, you are what i would call an authentic woman...i love it.
At 1:57 PM,
jganjay said…
Giant silk moths are crazy cool creatures. I love ‘em and try raising them every now and then. I just hatched one called a Pollyphemus moth. It is a beautiful female. She only has three days to attract a male with the sent she gives off (pheromones). Males are so sensitive to the smell that they will come from miles around. The females cannot fly very well so they just sit and wait. I have set her outside the past few night to attract a mate but it looks like the boys aren't out yet. Looks like she is going to live out her short life without a date. I have another cocoon and it is a male but he did not hatch in time. Bummer.
Once I hatched a female Cecropia moth (another giant silk moth) and I set her outside. That night there were over 20 males swarming around her!
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